VSIC 2020 (Vietnam Social Innovation Challenge) Which is organized by Foreign Trade University is the first and largest social enterprise startup competition for Vietnamese students. The goal of the Competition is to bring the model of Social Enterprises closer to the student community to encourage and promote a new generation of social entrepreneurs.
Entering the ninth year, VSIC’s topic is “Business towards improving the quality of life” in 3 areas:
- Develop health care and improve public health
- Sustainable energy
- Minimize and dispose of waste.
VSIC 2020 is really different from the previous years. The contest team Which is the Champion of the country will have an opportunity to become a REPRESENTATIVE OF VIETNAM to participate in the international playgrounds: Mekong Challenge 2021 and Startup Wheel. In particular, the highest-ranking team in energy will be collected to participate in the Finals of the Schneider Go Green Vietnam 2021 Contest.
With high reputation in consulting and training in finance and business, EDUBELIFE is pleased to be invited by the Foreign Trade University to participate in this program as an EDUCATION PARTNER in the both of VSIC 2019 and VSIC 2020
At VSIC 2020, EDUBELIFE teaches and advises the teams with the below topics:
- Design Thinking
- Set up SBMC (Social Enterprise Business Model)
- Build Financial Plan
In addition, M.s Hong Trang Nguyen – CEO of EDUBELIFE also participates as Mentor for the teams.
Design Thinking training session took place successfully on 11/14/2020. In this training session, we inspired entrepreneurship, sharing important knowledge and skills for students who are just starting a business. The difference is that the business ideas of the young people in this program are not only toward to profit goals, but moreover, for human goals such as public health, clean energy development and environmental protection.
The training session on SBMC (Social Enterprise Business Model) on December 5, 2020 was warmly welcomed by the contest teams. They have had a lot of very positive about us. In this training session, the teams learned how to creatively, inspire and effectively build a Business Model. At the end of this training session, M.s Hong Trang – CEO of EDUBELIFE asked the students to practice Pitching skills about their Business Model. She listened to the presentation of the Teams and commented about their problems that need to be improved by them in the next time.
M.s Hong Trang Nguyen also spent a lot of time to give enthusiastic advices for teams as a Mentor on the Matching Day on December 6, 2020
Perhaps, among the organizations that support VSIC 2020, there is no organization that dedicates itself like EDUBELIFE. We support for this event is completely free (not for profit). Our greatest wish is: “We can make a small contribution to making VSIC’s common goal that is full of profound human values to be come true soon…
Here are some great moments of EDUBELIFE in VSIC 2020. Watch, please!