Educational methods of Edubelife - Edubelife | Education for a beautiful life Educational methods of Edubelife - Edubelife | Education for a beautiful life


1/ For Children’s programs:

  • With modern training method, the program gives financial knowledge and new situations to children through wonderful games, virtual reality space… The practical lessons will help children brainstorming, thinking and discussing to able to make the best decisions. Therefore, they will collect financial definitions naturally, intelligibly, suitable with each ages
  • Their abilities and talents will be studied, observed by teachers in order to motivate the children show themselves, their points… for each financial situations.
  • Many lessons and activities will make the children be excited as well as improve life skills, society skills, communication skills for them.

2/ For programs of Accounting and Financial skills training:


EDUBELIFE has been known by thousands of students through unique education method. That is the method which inspire career love and passion from teacher’s heart to students’ hearts. EDUBELIFE’s education philosophy is “Lighted up a flame”, awake career belief as well as inspire career love and passion, not like traditional education methods is “Only filled in a glass”. The light of knowledge, love in the life will be able to support students to rise up stronger in their life by themselves as well as self – improvement in the future.


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