Salary and wages costs, insurance policies for employees are one of the most important issues in business administration. People are always the decisive influence factor on the existence and development of any organization: are enterprises or non-business and public services organizations.
On the other hand, the cost of salary, wages and insurance is one of the costs with non-small ratio of cost structure of the enterprise, especially manufacturing and construction enterprises.
Making balance between factors:
1/ cost savings;
2/ Compliance with laws (on labor, insurance, personal income tax, corporate income tax)
3/ But still building a civilized, modern and humane working environment for employees
It is always a great challenge for all businesses.
Therefore, the building and improvement of the Regulations on salary, distribution of bonuses and other benefits for employees (business trip expenses, welfare, etc.) is not a momentary job, but is a strategy which must be cared and adjusted regularly by enterprises. This regulation is affected by many factors such as: changes in related legal regulations, fluctuations in market prices for wages and salaries; inflation rate, interest rates… and the changes in business of the enterprise itself.
With experiences in consulting and building this Regulation for hundreds of enterprises and non-business and public services organizations, from small and medium scale to large scale like public companies where there are hundreds, thousands of employees, EDUBELIFE experts are always willing to support, accompany with enterprises in building and improving the regulations of salary, bonus, insurance to achieve the balance and harmony as expectation of enterprises.