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EDUBELIFE is fulfilling in “transferring the flame” for Vietnamese Tourism Startups VTS 2019

Ms Hong Trang – EDUBELIFE’s CEO is invited honestly by Board of Organization of Songhan Incubator (SHi) as the member of Examiner Board and Lecturer in the accelerated incubation rounds taking place in July and August, 2019 which are organized at the 3rd floor, COGO Coworking No.1 Thai Ha street, Dong Da dist, Hanoi. The […]

“EDUBELIFE – Smart money”

“EDUBELIFE – Smart money” in the summer camp of Family and Kids Center The Managers of Family & Kids Center has ever shared with us in thankful letter “As expected by F&K, this new program is a special highlight for our summer camp …” We taught at the 2nd Summer Camp of Family & Kids […]

Ms Hong Trang CEO EDUBELIFE – the person who inspires motivation and knowledge to Vietnam Startups in program “Vietnam Tourism Startup VTS 2019”

EDUBELIFE is known by businessman not only as a professional company in educating and consulting on finance and accounting. In the nearer years, Ms Hong Trang – CEO of EDUBELIFE has received many honest invitations from big start-up ecosystems in Vietnam as the lecturer on business topics such as Design thinking. , Business model, Business […]

EDUBELIFE – share about Start-up on People Television and VTC1

On June 28, 2019, in the Opening Ceremony – Vietnam Tourism Start-up Incubation program (VTS 2019) in the North was held solemnly at Cogo-Coworking, No.1 Thai Ha str, Dong Da dist, Hanoi. Ms Hong Trang – CEO of EDUBELIFE – was invited honestly by People Television and VTC1 to share on the topic “Where do […]

Exciting summer with the program “Teaching children how to use money – Edubelife”

WE WANT TO LEARN MORE THE PROGRAM “EDUBELIFE – TEACHING CHILDREN HOW TO USE MONEY? “Teacher! Can I still study this program tomorrow? ” “Why not 5 or 10 classes but only 2 classes?” “We want to study this program more, more, more”   EDUBELIFE is really happy to receive hundreds of lovely feedbacks of […]


Inspiration Workshop was Startup Inspiration course organized by Songhan Incubator and Faculty of Business Administration and Tourism of Hanoi University on May 28, 2019 at Hanoi University. The Board of organization sincerely invited Ms Hong Trang – CEO of Edubelife to share with students of Faculty of Business Administration and Tourism of Hanoi University about […]

EDUBELIFE – Companion with SONGHAN INCUBATOR in organizing the Vietnam tourism startup 2019

In the world, tourism is always considered one of the leading economic sectors with the fastest growth speed and the largest contribution into GDP – the key sector for the development and prosperity of many countries.   Vietnam is regarded by national and international experts as one of the countries which having the top potential […]

Ms Hong Trang – Edubelife – Member in the board of examiners for the competition “Vietnam smart tourism startup 2019″

The “Vietnam Smart Tourism Startup” is the innovation startup competition for enterprises by applying information technology to develop tourism. This is the activity to implement the Supporting Project for National Innovation Startup Ecosystem by 2025 issued under Decision No.844/QĐ-TTg dated May 18, 2016 by the Prime Minister and the General Project of Applying information technology […]

Academy of Finance invited Edubelife to share with students

The Academy of Finance invited EDUBELIFE to share in the “Practical Access Capacity Improvement Program for Accounting Faculty students” on April 21, 2019. “The Practical Access Capacity Improvement Program for Accounting Faculty students of Academy of Finance” is a large and annual event of the Faculty in order to bring to the students of Accounting […]


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