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Consultation on effective control of investment capital:

EDUBELIFE is a specialization (professional) organization in providing solutions for investors (FDI & Vietnam) on effective finance control of invested projects into Startups or subsidiaries, joint venture companies…

Consulting services (Controlling in Finance):

Control and supervise production and business operations which are required by investors such as Inhouse services with CFO position, Chief Accountant, Head of Supervisory Board, Financial Supervisor…

Consulting and setting up the administration reports system which satisfy investors’ demands such as weekly reports, daily reports, financial analysis reports on investment operation, and suggestion reports for effective administration solutions of investment capital.

Consulting on stock evaluation and making decisions on stock transfer, transfer of contributed (join) capital for the benefits of investors.

Financial Evaluation of investment projects – Financial Evaluation

A / What is financial evaluation of investment project?

Financial evaluation of investment project is evaluating process based on professional methods in finance in order to give evaluation opinions on finance, whether to invest in this project or not.

Financial evaluation is also considered as intensive financial analysis through examining and analyzing liquidity, financial independence, profitability of the project, cost of capital and how is reasonable funding structure for project, how is effective business if invested in the project, how long will the investor be able to return all initial investment capital…

B / Financial methods are mainly used in financial evaluation of investment projects:

Evaluating the cost of the project needs to be undertaken

Time value of Investment of money required for the project

NPV (Net Present value) of the project

IRR: Internal rate of return

Pay Back Period: The method of determining period to return investment capital in which has discounted and not discounted

Risk Evaluation – Method of risk evaluation. Risks need to be evaluated as financial risks, operational risks, exchange rate risks…

C / Importance of financial evaluation of investment projects

For businesses, investing in the project is an active conduct of business, is a business method to get profits, but this operation also has many risks. Normally, projects have long term, large investment capital. Therefore, the financial evaluation of investment projects of companies is necessary. The final target of financial evaluation is to answer the question: How is the project effective?. The project is effective, enterprise can ensure the ability to return capital, pay loan interest, achieve profit and safety targets.

For investors, before deciding whether to invest in this project or not, whether to buy this stock of Startups or not, they need to rely on scientific documents for calculating the effectiveness of investment projects, having specific responses about how much profits they will get if they invest, and how long they will be able to return their investment capital, what risks they will face when they invest on this project.



The financial consultancy services:

“Practical, effective, professional” are the feelings that hundreds of Vietnamese enterprises, FDI enterprises, Startup, public non-business units expressed when enjoying services in accounting, tax or private sector. investment, investment control …. provided by Edubelife


HOTLINE: 036 838 6163